Transcript: 18 School Shooting ins 2018, Liar, Know the Facts People.

Greetings from sunny Charleston, South Carolina, the Holy City, you are listening to the social criminologist I am your host Rick Decker. I welcome you to this special midweek podcast. 18 shootings in 2018, really, really. That’s bull crap and everybody knows it, but how did it get put out there? Let me tell you how. We have people that want more gun control people that think that’s going to be the answer to the violence in our society. They are the sheep majority who just follow everything they see on social media and television. So how do I know this numbers incorrect well I’ve done my research, just like you are able to do your research. But one thing I wanna express that on my previous shows, I’ve really hammered the news media as they should be. However, I’ve not clarified that two organizations are out there that I respect their data, they’re reporting, and that is the Washington Post and the Guardian. They have made their way into scholarly journals because of their tenacity of being honest and many remaining true to their cause, which is to report legitimate facts about the news so this 18 and 28, it was originated from a not for profit group that was co-founded by Michael Bloomberg called Every Town For Gun Safety. They tweeted last Wednesday at 4:22 pm that the shooting was the 18th shooting in the United States that was picked up soon after by Senator Bernie Sanders who retweeted that claim, which had been picked up 45000 times by Thursday evening by people pick it up. One being a political analyst, Jeff Greenfield. He had a crack at it, at 126,000 Then New York mayor Bill de Blasio He tweeted it to as well as performers like Cher, Miche Collins, Albert Brooks, and Alexander William by the end of the night, MSN, ABC, NBC News, BBC, CBS, Time, MSN, the New York Daily News and the Huffpost all use those numbers for coverage by the end of the day typing in 18, the number 18 into Google brought up the whole thing 18 school shootings in 2018.


Here’s the problem. Every Town has been known for a long time to inflate the data. They lie, flat out lie. Out of these shootings that they have reported. Let’s talk about some of them 5 occurred during school hours 5… Seven took place after school hours where there were no students and no staff. In fact, one event that they counted was a suicide in a Michigan elementary school that happened when the school had been closed for seven months. Seven months, another one that was counted was a college in Texas. They had students at a criminal justice club who accidentally discharged a firearm. Nobody hurt the bullet went and to a wall then broke a window that was counted. Every Town tells people that their definition of a school shooting is any time of firearm discharges a live round inside of school building or on school campus or grounds, doesn’t matter ladies and gentlemen, if that school is open or if it is closed, they count it. Why? Because they are a part of the problem.


They want a society that can be victimized by criminals and overtaken by tyranny. They to unarmed us so that we can no longer protect ourselves, which gives cause to the ideology of the forefathers. We have political elitists along with mainstream news media causing chaos, which creates a further separation in our society between the people. I wanna tell you what has changed. We have long head guns when I was coming up as a kid. People carried guns in their pickups, they were going hunting after school or on the weekend the gun hasn’t changed. What’s changed is society’s perception and what’s changed is we have a society that has glamorized through games, children’s cartoons, the killing of people, beheading people, raping women, and getting points for this behavior, allowing people to think that behavior like this is okay, then you get a news media that blasts that every event right or wrong with the information globally within minutes after it happening, people realize that, oh my gosh, I can lay my claim to fame by shooting people because they have been desensitized to it through these games coming up in their life and the news will make me a hero. Some of them have mental illnesses, some of or just flat out angry. The majority of the people that pull the trigger do not have mental illness. And in fact, I am insulted by the position That everybody that pulls a trigger has a mental illness, because I wanna tell you what ladies and gentlemen, I have a cognitively delayed son, and he is the most loving and passive person I have met in my life.


There are many of my brothers and sisters out there as well as I have post traumatic stress disorder. We’re not out there shooting people up, these people are shooting people up because they’re mad and because they want something out of society that society isn’t giving them so they’re gonna shoot people up. Gun control is not the answer. We have some of the strongest gun controls in the world outside of Russia, and Russia has the most strongest. And even in 1999 and 2000, they still had higher murder rates than anybody else in the world. Gun reduction or tighter control does not mean a lower level of a violent crimes. Look at the Brady Bill, the Brady Bill has been out there for a while. It hasn’t stopped any school shootings? Legislation is not the answer ladies and gentlemen. If, you take away guns, you just like I said have a society full of victims for the bad guys who do have the guns that are willing to create the crime, and take advantage of people. We’ve always had guns, but you know, when I was a medic, I had been on shootings, but also been to houses where a woman has beaten her husband to death with a can of soup in a sweat sock  I’ve also seen in my military career where men were beaten with a sweat sock and a bar of soap… so if we’re gonna outlaw guns, get rid of cans of soup and bars of soap because out lawing the weapon is not gonna make the change. We have to change society. All this of the news media wants to do, and the political elitists who want to separate society cause chaos and confusion. So they win.


We already have laws that stop people from buying guns. We have laws that restrict what you all call assault weapons, and yet we still have the problem. We have people that in some of these cases have a permit to carry a gun, which I agree with. Okay so we know that you’re properly trained. We have some of these people that are carrying guns, even though they’re trained, have accidental discharge as case some point There was a lady here in Charleston, South Carolina just two months ago, had a gun in her purse it wasn’t on safety shot itself in the foot, in a restaurant, the restaurant had to be evacuated. If you’re gonna carry a gun, carry it in a damn holster, not in your purse and the liberals. You don’t wanna have a gun great. You don’t need a gun.


But I guarantee you the next time you’re on Walmart and there’s a shooting, you’re gonna look for somebody that has a gun so they can stop the shooter before you get shot. I guarantee it, this campaign that the liberals and the news media have about getting rid of guns is preposterous. You already have a criminal justice system that over criminalizes, every action that we do in our nation, we have a, let’s make a deal criminal court system. We have mandated three strikes and you’re out and you gotta go to prison for this like the time. None of that has made a change except caused overcrowding better criminals, because we’ve taken away their options for education. We have taken away community resources that could be used to retrain them to give them help. And had taken away community resources to help the mentally ill and cognitive delayed. We have rob citizens for the last 20 years of their inalienable rights that they should have. Our fore fathers wanted us to be able to have the right to bear arms, to protect ourselves against the tyranny of the government, just in case it tried to take control of the people.


The attitudes of society are supposed to trickle up not down. People in government work for the people yet they make more money and they’re better off than the rest of us. It’s not right. Something wrong with that proposal just as much as something was wrong with this gun control proposal, it’s bull.


The bull crap has got to stop. The problem is not a weapon, it’s the people in society with the messed up heads that don’t understand the truth. They jump on band wagons through social media, and they jump into a cause without doing the research. And what they do is they follow a lie perpetuated by supposed reliable sources, ladies and gentlemen. Do you know that the first Amendment protects the news media? Even if they’re lying, there’s no accountability for them. That’s part of the problem. I don’t care if you listen to the show anymore or not. If you’re a liberal, and I made you mad. Sorry, not really, but I am for the right to bear arms, always have been, always will be. That being said, I can’t carry a gun myself anymore because the post-traumatic stress disorder, and I’m okay with that. But that doesn’t mean I wanna be at McDonalds with my grandkids and have some idiot start shooting and have to wonder, is there somebody here with a gun they could stop this maniac?


I wanna know that somebody might be able to do something in there. Well, ladies and gentlemen that’s gonna end this special segment for today, I wanna tell you, thank you again for listening. Please tune back in on Friday where we’re gonna talk about more about guns and profiling in the arm chair criminalists as always saying, or try to say, let’s take care of one another, what you do, I don’t care what you do just whatever you do, be extraordinary. You can find me on LinkedIn, iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Spreaker, and Stitcher. Sorry, Staff anyway. Thank you very much for listening. I’ll get off the soapbox, just be extraordinary in whatever you do till next time Carpe Diem.

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