Transcript to Armchair Criminologist

If you have an appetite for fun, then the Disney, California Adventure Food and Wine Festival is the place to be. March 2nd through April 12th, only at the Disneyland Resort. Enjoy deliciously, fresh food, California wines, craft beers, specialty cocktails, live music and more all served up with a dash Disney magic. Get more details at

Greetings from Charleston South Carolina, The Holy City. You are listening to the Socio-Criminologist; I am your host Rick Decker. I didn’t wanna get into this topic this week or this soon. However, I really don’t see any choice of the matter. But before I do, let me disclose a few things. The majority of people that listen to the show that know me personally know that I work from home. I have an office and a studio built in my home and my staff comes here daily and we discuss shows and I have to find a way to keep a pulse, if you will, on what’s happening in society in real time. So somebody on my staff had mentioned that maybe I’d wanna get out where I could socialize. So to do that, to meet that criteria, which I was in agreement with. I decided to drive for Uber. So if you’re in the low country in Charleston, South Carolina area and you pick your next Uber driver and it’s Richard, it’s most likely possibly could be me. So I welcome thoughts about the show and your comments, even if you’re in my car and I don’t agree with you or if I might agree with you. But I recently had a lady in my car that had talked to me and asked me if I was gonna do a show on profiling, and originally a told her, no and I said, I’m not gonna get into that because I just don’t want to. But with all the shootings going on and everything happening, I really don’t see any choice, but to educate people in this field. A couple things I wanna talk about before we go into the recent shootings. I wanna talk about the Watts riots briefly mention them. I wanna mention Orangeburg, South Carolina. I would like to also mention Kent State. In each of these scenarios there were… Tensions were high. They were riots. Not riots, but protests and somebody got excited, pulled a trigger. People died. I also wanna mention Austin, Texas, the clock, tower shooter, and then as we all are aware of painfully, when one of the greatest presidents, in my opinion, in American history was assassinated. Now, nobody at the time went after, oh, let’s get rid of the gun. They went after the people that pulled the triggers. Alright, let me tell you flat out. Not every shooter has a mental illness, but the news media automatically jumps to saying, oh, this person has a mental illness and they do this because they can demonize the offender and in today’s society, we are ignorant enough to think that an inanimate object can cause the pain all by itself. So they demonized the shooter as being mentally ill and they demonize the weapon. It is a tool; that’s all a weapon is an anything. Okay. I’l. Just say it got kay. Anything can be used as a weapon. If you’re going to outlaw guns, you might as well get right in line with can soup and sweat socks. Because when I was a medic, I went on many calls where people were beaten to death with a can soup and in a sweat sock, and when I was in the service troops were beat up all the time with a bar, open a sweat socks. So let’s get rid of those. And I’m not trying to minimize the effects of hand guns, but I am gonna tell you that out of all the countries in the world, we have the most restrictive gun laws, and we also have the highest amount of violent crimes. Most of these people that are pulling the trigger are angry. They have issues that are anger issues, and I’m telling you, in my opinion, it is because… And I apologize to all the millennials from the baby boomers, because I think we’ve done this. We have raised you thinking that you can be anything that you want and do anything you want. And we have failed to teach you the coping skills that you need to accept rejection and criticism. These shooters have anger issues because they were not taught coping skills. Anger issues are related directly to lack of skills to cope.

Then we have news media and television shows that our so called reality or favorite reality shows, and people automatically assume because it’s on the internet, it’s on television, it’s a truth. When we step into trial today, we have to, as professionals sometimes curtail what we call the CSI effect, and this is a legitimate effect, studied by scholars where we look at the television shows that talk about profiling, look at the shows that talk about court drama and how to do an investigation on homicide within 24 hours or whatever. And people think that that is how quick some of these cases can be done. That biological evidence can be processed in a day, and that homicides can be solved in an hour or 24 hours. That’s not the reality. This stuff on television is cut down for time frame, which brings me to the Arm Chair Profiler. People, I am offended by individuals that come to me and start trying to profile a case because of what they saw on television. Let’s go get some education. I have 20 years experience in criminal defense. I have a bachelors in psychology with a minor in criminal justice. I have a masters in criminal justice. I am working on my doctorate in criminal justice. Out of all my years since 1993, I have been offering opinions on cases and juries. I don’t call it profiling, I call it opinions. Even the FBI, bless their hearts, they call it profiling, but they will get on the stand and tell you it is not an exact science to what they do. And this is why; there are two types of knowledge of profiling – Nomothetic and Ideographic. Nomothetic profiling has four types; criminal investigation analysis – which is what the FBI does mainly; investigative psychology and geographic profiling. Ideographic profiling builds on a single case; the knowledge is based on the evidence associated with that case. The only way that is encompasses a larger profile, if you will, is when the evidence shows that a similar or same type offender has committed a series of offenses that they have linked together somehow by evidence. It really makes me mad as hell when people with no education or little education say to me, “I’m a criminalist.” Well, what’s your experience? Oh, I did six months at the junior college taking criminal justice courses. Really? If you do not have credentials behind your name and experience like what I have, don’t you dare stand in front of me and offer an opinion or a profile, because I’m telling you in my world, I don’t believe in profiles. There are too many people coming out here going with a Bachelor’s degree, an Associate’s degrees, “I’m a profiler; I’m a profiler.” Okay; really? Okay, good for you. You’re an idiot and I hate to be labeling and calling people names, but that’s just the reality of it. I have 20 years in criminal defense and eight years in education. I don’t even call it profiling, ladies and gentalmen; I call it opinions. Why? Because I can only create an opinion based on the evidence before me. And let me tell you what, when I used to train my detectives, I would tell them, follow the evidence; the evidence will set you free. You cannot develop an opinion about a case from social media or television or news media, because nobody has all the facts to the case, including the police, as they’re putting their case together. They don’t even have all the facts of the case. They put up boards in their squad rooms, showing where the evidence is going, they will not offer an opinion, they will follow the evidence. They’ll tell you what they know for a fact what they can prove, but they will not speculate. Society today, speculates. They assume guy pulls a gun, he’s crazy as hell has a mental illness. And let me tell you, as a father to children with cognitive disabilities, I’m offended. I am deeply offended by your ignorance because you don’t know what mental illness or cognitive issues are, one from the other, and there is a difference. And you just assume that cause somebody pulls gun… People thes guys are pulling guns cause they’re mad as hell at society. Our society is causing these events because we have young kids that are ostracized, bullied 24 hours a day, seven days a week on Facebook, Instagram, anywhere else they can be bullied on and ostracized on because they can’t get away from it. Home is no longer a safe place because in the home, whether they have computers and everybody’s on the computer and everybody’s on social media. Used to be when I was coming up, you can get away from the bullies, you could go home, tt would be safe; hopefully, but not today. So a theory of the show today, or the premise is that I will hope that some of you listening to this will be better educated. I really don’t care if you’re offended; I really don’t. Because the truth is to be able to offer opinions on cases, takes experience – law enforcement experience, investigative experience, investigating death investigations as I’ve done when I was a deputy corner and an education behind you. Not flipping burgers at the local restaurant or a sales person at a department store setting at home watching television and thinking, you know it all because of what the news says. Now, I’m not knocking anybody’s profession. Please do not think that because my own children are working in a variety of professions and thank god they did not choose to go into criminology. I am so blessed with my kids that are doing the things that they are doing. One is on a fire department, one is a stay at home father, one works in a factory in Madison, Wisconsin, the other one in a restaurant in Canton, Ohio; bless their little hearts for not becoming a criminalist. There are many jobs out there that are admirable. And if you’re supporting a family, I wanna shake your hand and I applaud you. If you are a stay at home dad bless your heart, you go, you stay where you’re at. Because let me tell you, I worked from home for the majority of my children’s lives, and I will not regret one day of staying at home and being part of their lives. So don’t think I’m knocking somebody’s job or trying to be arrogant because I have this education because you don’t know where I came from. And I am here to tell you that I work very hard to be humble and to accept criticism, because that’s the only way I can be better at what I do is by talking to people. So I hope you like the show. Comments, Questions? Please email me at I wanna thank you for listening. I wanna also tell you, you can follow me on instagram under the socio criminologist. I am also on twitter under rick_decker1, and of course, we are on YouTube, and we have recently just went to Tumblr under the socio criminologist as well. Well, that’s the show for today, I look forward to your comments so ladies and gentlemen whatever you do be extraordinary at it until next time carpe deim.

If you have an appetite for fun, then the Disney, California Adventure, Food and Wine Festival is the place to be. March 2nd through April 12th only at Disneyland Resort. Enjoy deliciously, fresh food, California wines, craft beers, specialty cocktails, live music and more all served up with a dash of Disney magic. Get more details at

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