Transcript The Reality About Gun Bans

Greetings from sunny Charleston South Carolina the holy city you’re listening to the socio-criminologist I am your host Rick Decker.  I did not want to get into this again ladies and gentlemen over gun control and these mass shootings, however, the liberals in the media are still perpetuating this fallacy that we need stricter gun laws parents of these children that have been lost to these events are jumping on the television mad as hell trying to stir up emotions as they should because they’ve lost somebody that is important to them.

However, saying for us to get rid of guns because a gun has caused the death of someone close to them is not the answer. To everybody that has lost a child as a result of these shootings I’m deeply sorry I’m a father and grandfather I can’t even imagine however, I am grounded by reality and believe that people need to know the truth about gun bans.  Every place that has banned guns either hand guns or all guns has seen murder rates go up over time. They have seen slight reductions but overall their increases have almost doubled over 5 to 10 years. Countries with the strictest gun laws also have some of the highest homicide rates. The list for the top 100 countries for homicide does not include the US.

The most violent country is Scotland with people three times more likely to be assaulted than in America. Over the last 20 years 3% of Scot’s have been victims of violent crimes compared to 1.2 % of Americans. The Swiss have the most liberal gun control for Europe and has the third lowest homicide rate of the top 9 European countries, however, everyone who has served in the military is allowed to keep their service weapon at the end of their duty time.

Studies over the last 20 years have not produced a single shred of evidence that reducing the number of guns in their society in their country reduced crime or homicide rates the fact is violent crime rates have went the other way. Brazil has mandatory licensing registrations and a maximum personal ownership quota it now bans any new sales to private citizens their homicide rate is almost 3 times higher than ours in the United States.

One study in Canada on firearm laws and homicide rates spanning 34 years failed to demonstrate any association between the proposed legislation in if reducing firearms would reduce homicide rates.  They did that study for 3 major gun control bills the data did not support what the bills intended which was to control more guns and reduce crime.

The Crime rate in Canada is 66% higher in all four of the provinces than in the northern United States across the border alone. Let me get into some data some say Britain has lower crime rate because they have strict gun laws. First Britain has always had a lower homicide rate than the US it’s a cultural issue not a legal issue.

Since banning guns in the UK the rate of crime especially violent crime has risen firearm use in the UK has doubled in the decades since handguns were banned. Street robberies have soared by 28% violent crime was up 11% / murders were up 4 percent and rapes were up14% this trend continues with a 10% increase in street crime a 8% increase in muggings and a 22% increase robberies. Between1997 and 1999 in Britain there’re over 429 murders in London the highest figures in more than ten years nearly two-thirds all crimes involved firearms in a country that virtually banned private gun ownership In fact comparing Britain to America the process is flawed, because in Britain a crime is only record it as a gun crime when they have a conviction to support it, the US records crime using guns regardless if there is a conviction or not.

Switzerland has the highest per capita firearms ownership rate on the planet all males aged 20 to 42 are required to keep rifles or pistols in home have a homicide rate of 1.2 per 100,000 there’s never been a shooting in the schoolyard or mass shooting at school EVER.

Conversely from the inception the mandatory Firearm confiscation in Australia in 2002 firearm related murders were up 19% armed robberies were up 69% home invasions were up 21% the sad part is that 15 years before the national gun confiscation in Australia fire related homicides dropped on the 66% firearm related deaths fell 50% gun crimes have been raising throughout Australia since guns were banned. In Sydney alone robbery rates with guns rose 160% in 2001 and more than that in the previous year.

Ladies and gentlemen people are getting out here saying “well guns kill more people,” well that’s a fallacy as well according to the CDC,  abortion is one of the leading causes of death in United States and the statistic was reported in 2016 heart disease was second third was cancer all the way at the end of the line was murder by gun,  abortion was the cause of 501,325 deaths prescription overdose was the cause of 6,886 deaths murder by gun was the cause of 5,276 deaths and  medical errors people that died because of medical errors was 115,439 deaths if  you want to talk about children’s deaths there are over 111 million car accidents in the country due to alcohol and impaired driving out of those 16% involved the death of a child those are the facts as reported by the CDC.

There have been 11 school shootings since 1999 not 18 and yet people are coming up and screaming and yelling we have to we have to get rid of the guns. People if we get rid of the guns in our society we are not following the intentions of our forefathers. They wanted us to be able to protect ourselves against a government that might overthrow its people.  The people that want gun control are not presenting you with the facts.  Remember in one of my shows last week where we talked about an organization called every town which was cofounded by Bloomberg that indicated 18 School shootings in 2018 and the data they presented wasn’t even accurate. They used data that failed to separate schools that were open from those that were closed and used events that occurred as a result of an officer accidently discharging their sidearm. All the news media along with every town, senator Sanders sent out the information without accountability.

The first amendment protects the news media can say what they want as long as they believe the information is accurate, believe not confirmed the media has no accountability which is supported by the constitution and the US Supreme Court in an earlier Court decision chose not to make them accountable because we need freedom to speak without fear, well we also need to maintain the right to bear arms which is supported by that same constitution.

We cannot have stricter gun laws, and take away weapons from the people without addressing each issue within the constitution of this country. We are losing pieces of our democracy which if allowed to go on will continue victimization more people of our society this will affect every ethnicity and gender marginalized or not. We have people that are trying to gain rights and liberals are on the backside trying to take away rights taking this right is only the start of no rights for anyone at all. I cant believe that people are even complaining about the solutions, about teachers carrying firearms and metal detectors in the school. Well let me tell you a teacher carrying a firearm is no different than a teacher carrying a firearm these teachers have to be trained and how you pay for it this you let the teacher make a personal decision to carry have them pay the expense because they can benefit from it away from work let them pay for it. And if you want to worry about paying for these metal detectors in every school its quite simple Congress get off your ass and reduce your pay scale you make more money than the rest of us anyway pay for it find a way get rid of your pork bellies and special interest groups make the children your special interest group make society your special interest group.

Well ladies and gentlemen I believe that’s my time for now, I do want to mention that our shows are now being transcribed and can be found at I’d like for you to remember to like and share my show email me at rdeckerphd at with comments questions or concerns I’d love to hear from you. Listen we need to take care of each other; do whatever you want to do just be extraordinary until next time…carpe diem

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